Wednesday 10 January 2018

As Live Production: Briefing

As Live Production: Briefing
Image result for live production

Today we had our full briefing for our next unit (As Live Production).

We started the day by reflecting on what went well on previous work and what we want to improve on in this unit.

We then looked at the aims of this unit and some of the deadlines and scheduled events were reminded.

The marks for this unit are split between practical work and critical reflection in blog (70%) and a written report (30%).

The best pitch will be given the green light and we will come together as a group to create a 30min live programme.

The idea should be new and challenging, but also achievable.

There are a variety of advantages to studio production, as well as some disadvantages.

Advantages of using a studio: Visual- you have the advantage of using a built set with manual lighting etc.

Sound- Working in a controlled environment such as this means you have greater control over your environment and can reduce external noise. You have a variety of sound recording options available to you and can monitor sound as it is being recorded to check for interference.

Equipment- With a studio environment you can hire out and utilise a variety of equipment to get the best result possible e.g. dolly’s, jib's, track etc.

Supervision/Communication- When working in a studio you can constantly monitor and stay in contact with your team, be that through radio or by watching every camera from the gallery. 

Image result for live production

Control- Overall you have way more control over camera angles, lighting, sound, set and your team in a close studio environment. 

There are some challenges associated with studio production as well however. These can include: Communication- If you do not communicate effectively with your team then they wont know what you want to achieve and the results may not be as you anticipated.

Technical issues: In a studio you will have more cameras, lights, mics etc. than you would on a regular shoot, as a result there are a lot more things that can go wrong e.g. sound interference, video loss, graphics, set hazards etc.

Budget- Studio hire, set construction, equipment and actors all cost money. As a result depending on your budget you may not be able to achieve the exact look you had in mind.

Time constraints: When shooting live (or as live) you need to make sure you don’t under or over run your time slot. This can be difficult especially if you are interviewing guests or haven't had much of a rehearsal.

Health and safety hazards: Just like any shoot there will be health and safety hazards. Possibly more than usual since you have far more electronic equipment, cables, set pieces etc than on any other shoot.

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