Friday 19 January 2018

Critical Perspectives: Disertation Proposal

Critical Perspectives: Disertation Proposal

Today we took our first steps in to preparing for our disertation. 

Formalism- The elements that make up and structure the films "form".

Cinimatography, editing, sound, narration etc. all have an effect on the audience. They help make up formalism and they all have sub catagories that aslo have an effect on the audience e.g. characterisation, frame rate etc.

Realism an social realism is another useful topic to analyse. 

Auteur theory can be a useful case study and applied to a variety of films and film directors (French New Wave can be useful to look at).

Alternativeley a different approach to film cou;ld be to use genre theory.

Phsychoanalysis- The male gaze, Laura Mulvey, charol Clover etc.
2nd Wave femanism, post femanism and consumer choice of branding.

Hypodermic needle theory, opinion leaders, audience reception theory etc.

There's loads of catagories to be explored, e.g. fashion and costume in TV; representation of gender etc; product placement in TV; political and economic representation etc.

The Shape Of Your Disertation
Your disertation should flow as follows.

An introduction- sets up and prepares the reader. 

Chapter 1- The Beguining 

Chapter 2- The Middle

Chapter 3- The End


You need a clear, focussed and research informed question, or statement of intent.

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