Friday 12 January 2018

As Live Production: Idea Development 12/1/18

As Live Production: Idea Development 12/1/18

Continuing with the development of our ideas Danny and I sat down to work out some more details and act on some of our recent feedback. We also met with Jo to Discuss what we had been working working on and get some valuable feedback from her about how we could develop it further. 

The first thing we decided upon was a name for our Chat show. Since it is designed to get young people more engaged in politics we went with the title of "Teen Talk TV". After some discussion we decided that it could work well on both channel 4 and channel 5, with a weekday evening time slot. 

We then worked out the 4 sections that could fill the 30 min time slot of our show which are pictured in the adjacent image. We also planned out the VT that we would have. 
We had a discussion about how audience interaction would be most effectively used and ultimately we decided that in order to keep the show interesting and fresh we should incorporate audience opinions in to each of the 4 sections. 

We also though a little more about our "Couple Clash" idea.
We planned out a rough set design for the show that could help us figure out we could place cameras and audience. Also acting upon Helen's feedback we thought more carefully about our VT's and what they could be used for. 
Ideally we'd like to get each couple's family involved  so that they could reveal a fun fact about our couples that wouldn't otherwise be known and could help create more discussion points. 

Feedback From Jo
After our initializes development Danny and I met with Jo to discuss how ideas were developing and get her opinions on the topic. 

Couple Clash Feedback: Jo liked the idea of this show but had a few points to raise.

  • She said that with a show like this, our choice of presenter is key. They need to be able to carry the show just as hosts like Jimmy Falon do on their respective shows. (This is similar to what Helen said the other day we plan to cast someone who has a background in comedy or at the very least we will audition candidates to find the most charismatic). 
  • She also told us to keep the couples interesting and diverse, as without interesting guests the show can only have limited success. (in response to this we will look in to the possibility of having samisen couples or people from different backgrounds). 
  • We should plan the show as if it was going to be a series. This way we can have a more confident pitch and have a clearer idea of our shows aims. (Jo liked the set design that we had prepared as it showed we had vision).
  • Jo said that our VT needed to link back to our Live show in some way. For example we could use it to snoop through the couples houses, or turn it in to a game such as 2 truths 1 lie (I like both of these ideas). 
  • According to Jo our next step should be to prepare a running order. 
Teen Talk TV Feedback: We had put a little more time in to planning this idea and were eager to see what Jo had to say.

  • Originally we planned to target our show at the 18-25 audience since they represented the lower age group of eligible voters who weren't being targeted very well. However in order to help the show feel freshJo suggested that we consider lowering the age of our target audience to perhaps school age. Firstly because this would make more sense with our title, and secondly because getting options from this age market, and targeting YV towards them was an angel rarely tackled and could be quite successful. (I think with a bit of work this idea has a lot of potential). 
  • If we did change the age of our target audience then we should also consider changing our time slot to around 4/4:30 on a weekday evening to better get there attention.(This would make sense in my opinion and could allow us to be more flexible with the tone of the program). 
  • Jo said that since our target audience is quite young we could lose their attention if the show gets a little boring. In order to get around this we need to make sure we keep things interesting. (This has been a concern of mine, we could try incorporating jokes or other comedy, or make sure we have a charismatic host who could spark debates). 
  • Jo also agreed that audience interaction is key and we need to make sure it is used effectively and regularly. 

Following this Feedback session Danny and I sat down to work out how we could make each respective show more effective. Today we worked on "Teen Talk TV" , we spoke about what kind of guests we could have on the show. I think we should definitely have a young guest to appeal to our audience, we could potentially even ask an audience member on stage to voice their thoughts/questions. An older guest could be used to maintain diversity and opinion variety. 

We thought about youth councillors or youth representatives for certain parts/council districts. After some searching online we found a map of some local representatives. We wrote down their contact details and will start contacting them next week to try and get them on board. 

We will also dedicate more time to acting on some of the other feedback we received. Such as putting together a running order.

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