Tuesday 23 January 2018

As Live Production: Pitch Presentation and Feedback

As Live Production: Pitch Presentation and Feedback

Today we presented our full Pitch to the pannel. And overall although we didn't have the winning pitch I think the presentation went well. 

Bellow is a link to our full Pitch Presentation.

Danny and i spent teh entire morning rehearsing our presentation. We had split the presentation so that each of us had equal amounts to say, and we timed each run through until we got it within the time limit. 

To make sure we got all our points accross, I had our presnetation notes loaded on to an Ipad that i could hold, and I printed off the most important slides so that the board could flick through them if we missed anything, or wanted to  refer back to something. 

So we certainly went in to the room well prepared and confident.
I'd say that we delivered our pitch confidently and just as we rehearsed. 

The statistics in my opinion really helped to justify our idea and get our point accross. We made it clear early on what our aim and target audience was (and why this was so). 

I aslo beleive that our visual aids e.g. tables/graphs and virtual set, helped us to convey our ideas. Wehre possible we used persuasive language and tried to emphasise our unique selling point by explaining our insperations, and how we differ from other shows on the market. 

I think our biggest challange was making all the points we wanted to within our allocated time slot. Although in our rehursal we were able to get under our time limit, it was quite tight.

In the room we had to rush throgh our last few slides in order to finish our presenation on time, but we managed to end on a strong point by directing a few of our points to the pannel in order to answer questions they had raised in our 1 to 1's.

After we had finished our presenation the pannel gave their feedback and raised a few questions. Here is what was said.

  • Our pitch was very detailed and gave accross plenty of key inforamtion, with good justification. 
  • Our pitch was very well thought out and we had answers for almost every question most people would ask.
  • Our access to cintributors was good and impressive.
  • Our running order made good space for audience interaction and VT which was a god thing.
  • Our use of notes to refer to was good, but perhaps a little unneccasarry. 
  • Their biggest concern was keeping the atention of our target audience. They were concerned that we would need to make sure our contributors were able to hold a conversation and be knoweldgable about the topics we discuss. We argued that them being the same age as the target audience would help, but they were still concerned that if tehy took questions from the audience they would not know how to give a good answer unless questions were prepared beofre teh show (which would be dificult).
  • They aslo expressed concern that our statistics showed a lack of youth participation in polaitcs, so hw would we get them to watch the show. We explained that this was the very aim of the show, to get young people informed and interested in polatics in a laid back fashion so that they would be able to get more interested in the show, the longer they watched. But in hindsight we could have handled that question better.
Upon Reflection- Over all I think our presentation was a very strong one. I think the main thing we could have done would have been to think more carefully about what questions might be asked and prepare in advance.

I also think that our desire for secrecy could have been a slight weakness, since if we had presented our idea to others, they may have been able to identify flaws in our idea that we missed, giving us time to address them. 

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