Tuesday 30 January 2018

As Live Production:Finding/Organising Talent And Contributors

As Live Production:Finding/Organising Talent And Contributors

Research is important to do no matter your role, so that you have an understanding of the context of the show and an understanding of your role. 

Typically you will need to find people to fill the following roles:

What do we look for in our "talant"?
-Relevent skills/experience
-Charisma/engaging character etc.
-"look" is appropriate to brand/style
-Representation + Relevance to audience

Finding Talent 
Sources could enclude: Own Contacts, UCA, Press, Online sources e.g. vloggers/bloggers.
Advertisements could be sent out on Mandy.com, Facebook etc.
Some Talant's have their own agents that we could contact.
Scouting (visit the talent in their respective venues, which can be just about anywhere). 
Scheduals, fees, travel/food costs and hours will all have to be negotiated. 

Get people to commit on paper, organise artist release forms, contracts and written agreements. 

Finding Audiences
You need to decide what purpose your audience serves e.g. Passive VS Active.
To find an audience you can put out advertisements, online e.g. social media.
Piggyback on university media.
Put out ads in local papers or notices in the local area.
Invite contributors to watch the show.

Keep good records throughout the production.
Keep important documents safe, back them up in a shared cloud space.
Ensure titles, names etc are all spelled correctly and all paperwork is filled out properly.

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