Wednesday 10 January 2018

As Live Production: Idea Development 10/1/18

As Live Production: Idea Development 10/1/18

Yesterday I sat down with Danny to discuss the feedback we had received from teh group. As well as continue to exchange and discuss some of the other ideas that we had.Once we had done this we met with Helen to get her feedback so that we could continue to refine the ideas.

After some thought and discussing each of the previously listed 
ideas in detail we Narrowed our list down tot eh 2/3 best ideas. 

They are as follows:

Image result for miranda does christmasImage result for the tonight show

1. "Couple Clash"- A chat/game show; although we initially wanted to keep it as just a chat show we were concerend that we would struggle to fill 30min with just talking. I was reminded of programes like "The Tonight Show" and "Miranda Does Christmas", in which they are primerilly a talk show but also get there guests engaged in games and activities. To maintain a solid audince atention I thought we could do something similar with our studio production. The way we would make it unique would be to have the guests as couples who are dating and the interaction between each of tehm and the host would provide entertainment. Then we could have VT's to help provide aditional information about them and games to help fill the time slot. 

Feedback From Helen
A show called "Mr and Mrs" did something similar a few years back so be caerful not to "step on its toes" too much. -We intend to break away from this by having the different couples face each otehr in games e.g. nerf gun war.

Image result for mr and mrs show

What channel will this theoretically air on, what time and what day? As the answer to this question will decide the nature of the show e.g. how tame or mature it is. -We are thinking around 5PM, ITV2 on a saturday (as its a little more tame than friday) so people can have a laugh while they prepare for dinner.

What will you use VT's for? If they are to inform will they provide information that we wouldn't otherwise have known? -At the moment this area is in need of work, we thought we could share some thoughts or gossip from the couples before the show, or maye get their familly to reveal some of their thoughts; but each of these presents its own problem. 

Our host would need to be very charasmatic and able to hold a conversation well.

Image result for question time

2. "As Yet Untitled"- A chat show based around local news and politics but from a students point of view. My insperation for this comes from shows like "Question Time". We thought we ould create a more light hearted vibe and get an original angle by having two or more guests with apposing ideas. E.g. soemoe who voted to leave the EU and someoen who voted to stay. 
Danny had the great idea of shaking things up even further by subverting the audiences epectations for example by going against the suggested demographics and having a young person who voted to leave the EU and an older person who voted to stay. This way we could generate more interesting conversation to help fill time. 
My idea was to have a "virtual wheel" of different catagories that our guests could discuss. Every time we move on to a new catagory we could have a VT that gives us some basic information about the topic to help both guests and audiences.

Feedback From Helen
What Channel, Day and Time Slot would your show fill? -The show feels quite BBC at the moment and would probably suite a week night shwing at around 6/7 O'clock.

Who would your guests be as they need to be well infromed but it could be dificult ot get any actual polititions on board (no matter how small their role)-I thought we could use someone like a youth councillor or a student representative form a university as one guest. Since they would be a confident speaker and confident in theor well formed opinions. The other guest could be a passionate campaigner or someome who has been effected by a local event, I'll admit this are needs more thought put in to it. 

Image result for wheel of fortune

The "virtual wheel" feels more like something that would fill up a segamnt but not carry the show. -This is a valid point and since the metting I discussed with Danny, and we thought that this could be cut down to form a "Qucik-Fire Round" and we could fill up the rest of the time with more generalisd topics or perhaps local news stories. 

Will you open the topics up to the audience at any point? -Yes, we imitially planned to have the topics given by our "virtual wheel" to be thrown out to the audience once the guests had finnished making their points. Now we may move it so that it is it's own section, or keep a similar concept and just discuss witht the audience each topic we bring up.
Danny suggested that we could poll our studio audiece to see how much they agree/disagree with our guests, which is soemthing we can look in to.  
One segment I though of was to look at what social media had to say on certain topics, by putting out a poll or a question before the show airs and reveling their responses on the show.

Image result for being human showImage result for mrs browns boys

3."As Yet Untitled" - A Horror Comedy/Sitcom- Danny's idea revolved around a show that followed a similar style to "Mrs Brown's Boys" and "Being Human". Except his unique spin is that it would have a Horror theme. It would be a scripted show so that it would easilly fit to the 30 min time slot, we haven't figured out where VT would feature however.

Feedback From Helen
This show would rely heavilly on its script, it would have to be written qucikly but written well, and a draft would need to be seen before it could be given the "green light" -Danny will start working on a rough script.

What Channel, day and time slot would this air on? -At the mement we think it has BBC3 potential it would likely be 7PM onwards showing likely on a Friday but exact details haven't been decided upon.

How would you incourperate VT? -At the mement we are unsure how we would do so but there is certainly potential.

After some more discussion we planeed out a little more what kind of set up we might use for two of teh shows, we had a look at the studio floor plan to see how much space we had available and checked with Ferg to see how many camera feeds we had available. This helped us see what was realistically possible with our set, and what we would need to re-think/work around e.g. could we change set pieces durign VT?, could we have one camera dedicated to the audience etc.

Following this chat we have a claerer idea of what is acheivable and what needs to be done. Danny and I agreed to use the two chat shows as our focus for the time being, until we decide which one is better; while keeping the sitcom idea as more of a backup. 

I will continue to develop the political/news chat show, and Danny will work on "Couple Clash", we will report back to each other on Thursday to see what progress we have made. 

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