Tuesday 16 January 2018

As Live Production: Lecture 16/1/18

As Live Production: Lecture 16/1/18

Why Choose As Live?

Advantages: Less is left to chance (you have more controll); The oppertunity to re-record certain elements of the show if necisarry; No technical problems can occur with transmition links since they wont be used;

Disadvantages: Potential to feel "manufactured"; the tension and atmosphere of a real live production is hard to re-create; post production can cause the programe to loose its "live feeling"; over shooting is an easy temptation; audience can feel cheated when they find out its not really live.
Image result for on air sign
As Live Formats: Pannel shows; Quiz shows; chat shows; music; other entertainment.

Common themes in As Live: Audience; Usually recorded in a studio; Often involve on screen guests/talent e.g. main presenter/anchour; use of VT's. 

Audiences - Why do we have an audience? What do they add to the viewing experience? Do we need them?

The Audience can take a number of roles:
Passive; Participatory/active; Appriciative; Supportive.
The role they play depends on the type of format you are producing.

Theoretically, anything can be presented in an as-live format. It is only limited by considerations such as: Time, location, budget, legistics. 

Suggested Blog Research: As Live Formats, watch them and consider
Why is it "As Live"

Points For Analysis: Content, Style, Location, Presentation, Contributors, Format.

Why Choose Live?
Technological advances in satalite technology have led to the advent of outside broadcasts (OB's)
These broadcasts include: Sporting events (e.g. olympics); National/international celebrations (e.g. royal wedding); Ceromonial ocasions (e.g. coronations).

Image result for Live sign

Case Study - Live Aid
3rd July 1985 Bib Geldof organised Live Aid.
16 hour live broadcast.
It was plauged with technical problems, but it was ground breaking for the time! 

Other Live Content Includes:
One off specials; Reality TV; News Broadcasts etc. 

Live Broadcasts often make the news more than other programing. 

Live Broadcasts often get bigger audiences than other broadcasts. 

The End Of Live TV??
Current predictions show that 50% of all TV media will be cinsumed online by 2020.
Live TV may become less popular but Live streaming is predicted to continue to take off. 

With Live Production you need to think about; scripting, timing, casting, safetey, cabling, running order, legal stuff etc.
OB's have even more to consider as you can be transitioning between different locations and need to rely on satalite links.

Often VT's are kept in reserve in case they go off air, so that they have something to fill the gap if nothing else. 

Live shows are particularly vunerable to legal problems. 
The producer in the gallery has to work hard to avoid or manage these issues and communicate to a presenter or team member to resolve any issues. 

You can get in trouble for lying to audiences or showing certain contnent before watershed. 

Possible Blog Research- In an "on demand" world does Live content still have a place?

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