Thursday 18 January 2018

As Live Production: Pitch Development 18/1/18

As Live Production: Pitch Development 18/1/18

Today we set about actioning some of the points I laid out on my to do list earlier this week.

The first thing to do was to finalize some important decisions such as our target audience and what we could use our VT's for. 
My inspiration for Teen Talk TV came from a gap i noticed in the audience of two popular shows that tackle politics/current events. 

The Huffington Post explains Question Time in the following way:"The show features politicians from at least the three major political parties as well as other public figures who answer pre-selected questions put to them by an audience selected on the basis of its political views and demographic"...... the audience demographic is usually male and female aged 25 and upwards.

Where as Newsround according to the BBC: "Newsround has a target audience of 6 to 12-year-olds and the stories and language used in our bulletins reflects that….We try to pick stories that will appeal to our viewers - and we try to bring a child's view into our reports. Our team is a mix of child experts, journalists and teachers" (BBC, 2011).

So noticing this gap in audience demographics (from about 13 to 26) gives us a USP and a market gap to use on our idea. We hope to employ similar techniques that Newsround does by getting a teen view in to some of today's important stories, but tackling them in more of an adult way like Question Time. 

So with that in mind Danny and I came up with our initial tag line that identified our audience, which is as follows:

Teen Talk TV is a discussion show for the youth market. Our primary target audience are both male and females between the ages of 16-19. Our secondary target audience are male and females between the ages of 20 - 25.

The next thing to focus on was what channel we wanted to broadcast on. Initially we thought it would fit well with channel 5, however since we were aiming at a young target audience some research in to their TV watching habits had to be undergone. 

After reviewing recent statistics from Ofcom we have noted that there has been a significant drop in the number of young people watching TV. So in order to keep up with our target audience we felt it best to move online.

We feel our show would be best suited for a BBC3 audience. Especially since according to Damian Kavanagh (Current BBC Three Controller) "BBC3 Currently aims to target 16-34 year olds".
(Dowell 2017)    

If we were to broadcast online we'd release episodes on a weekly basis (likely on a Thursday)

With a firm audience and channel set we will move on to planning out how our show will work in the studio e.g. space management, timings, VT etc.

BBC, 2011. Frequently Asked Questions. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 18 January 2017].

Dowell, B., 2017. BBC3 reveals audience targets for first time as it chases new generation of online viewers. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 18 January 2018].

Ofcom, 2017. Box Set Britain: UK’s TV and online habits revealed. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 17 January 2018].

Post, H., 2016. BBC Question Time. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 18 January 2017].

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