Thursday 14 December 2017

Professional Practice: Closing Thoughts and Evaluation

Professional Practice: Closing Thoughts and Evaluation

Going in to this project I was quite open minded, although I initially had professional practice as my second choice I am glad I chose it. I wanted to experience what it would be like to work in a real-world professional environment either for a company or client. 

My choice to work for the Guildhall Museum was a very clear one. The opportunity they presented was one that allowed for great and unique story telling. I was able to create new content aimed at a specific audience. 

The initial process of communication was done well however it still presented one or two bumps. We arranged a meeting in which we were both able to make clear our aims for the project and put together a clear schedule. I was quite organised in this project and only developed my organisational skills further as the project progressed. However, there was some trouble early on when the Guildhall didn't receive some of my paperwork on time due to technical difficulties. However, my decision to include both a script and a story board helped them to understand and support my vision. 

One thing I did note is that I perhaps should have gone in to the meetings armed with more questions to ask them. Since although I had a rough idea of my target audience, the exact age range wasn't made clear until further down the line. This is something I probably should have raised earlier on. 

The shooting process went very well. Mainly thanks to my script, shoot schedule, storyboards and the creative freedom I had. I was able to achieve more than just my planned shots which meant I had a lot of footage and angles to work with, which really aided the storytelling. I also was able to carry forth many of the skills I had picked up on in previous units such as focus pulls, zooms, panning/tracking etc. While incorporating new skills like POV shots. 

Working with different people was a good experience and helped me to develop my communication skills. Also, I was very pleased with how my use of equipment developed. I had a multi-camera set up, and used both tripods/gorilla pods and other equipment like dolly's and fig-rigs which helped me develop my skills both as a director and a camera operator. 

Fulfilling multiple roles on this project was a challenge, but one I rose to and I believe was successful in. I presented and matched this with the voice over, while also deciding on the framing of shots. Serving as the director, producer, researcher, presenter, camera operator and editor/graphics designer really helped me develop overall as a videographer. Experiencing what it might be like to work as a freelancer in a professional environment, which is a skill I hope to take forward in to future endeavours. 

In terms of post-production, as an editor I did a successful job on this project, developing the narrative and structure of my video to target an audience in the best ways possible. I was a little disappointed that the editing didn't challenge me in the same way as the last project did. But at the same time, creating informative content that could educate and hold the attention of a young audience was a new and useful experience. 

After showing my cuts to various focus groups of my peers and obtaining their feedback, I was able to incorporate some of my more advanced editing skills. Using video effects like wipes, cuts, zooms etc, that would hold the attention of an audience without distracting them from the informative content.

When it came to the viewing of my rough and fine cuts I found this to be a new and eye opening experience that aided in my own personal development more than anything else. Since the staff weren't film makers or knowledgeable about the industry I didn't expect them to have many points of change. However, they had more criticisms than I imagined. Obviously they had to consider the interests of the museum and it's visitors and whether my film served its informative purpose as efficiently as possible. 

In the past I have really struggled to take on board criticism without feeling slightly offended. However, I am pleased that in this case I was able to see things from there perspective and fully understood why the changes needed to be made. 

I am impressed with my time management skills. I was able to re-shoot some footage and get pick up shots, producing re drafts of my script and voice over, while also finding time to show my work to peers to obtain their feedback. And despite the short deadline I still found time to colour correct my video to aid with the continuity of the multi camera set up. 

Overall this has been a successful and eye opening experience. I am glad I chose this option as it has aided greatly in my personal development and has equipped me with a number of skills that I can now take with me. 

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