Wednesday 6 December 2017

Professional Practice: Fine Cut Viewing And Action Points

Professional Practice: Fine Cut Viewing And Action Points

Today I headed back up to Rochester to meet with the Guildhall and show them the fine Cut I had prepared.

Since the last time we met I had done some additional shooting to get some pickup shots and ensure the narrative of the piece flowed better following their feedback. 

Acting upon their request and advice I reworded my script to make it more universal and appropriate for a younger audience. As such I re-recorded my voice over using a better microphone to ensure it was clearer. 

My pick up shots fitted nicely in to the new edit along with my fully finished animation, which featured animated lines and text to help emphasise the points I make, and ensures the audience don't drown in facts. 

I showed the Guildhall the Fine cut, they watched it through once to get a feel for it, then watched it a second time so that they could stop and comment on bits. 

They were actually very happy with the changes I had made and although some compromises were made in places they could see that I had listened to them. 

They were quite positive towards the project and thought that the shortened PTC's were far more effective than before. They also really liked the finished animation and thought it did its job well. Since the last time I had adjusted the scale to be more realistic and clear, which they picked up on. And although Rachel said she would have still made it slightly smaller, she didn't ask me to change it. 

They liked my revised ending with the transition back to the early shot of the Fire Pump with the text on screen.

Overall they thought the voice over was more effective and the language used was good. They thought the shots blended together very well and the animation felt at home. They actually had very little points to change, the only action points I have are listed below. 

Action Points
Make Sure to Credit UCA at the end.
Extend the final shot and fade it out with the text.
Ensure the Medway Council logo is displayed at the end.

Personal Action Points
Do some minor colour correcting
Insert music at the end
Insert production logo

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