Tuesday 3 October 2017

TV News: Project Update 03/10/17 Part-1

TV News: Project Update 03/10/17

(Part 1)
Today we had a session with Jo where we got her up to speed on our project. She offered some useful advice and helped us finished the rest of the things on our "To Do List".

Shoot Schedule
Today after confirming details with our contacts we were able to finally put together a very basic shoot schedule. 

Monday: This day is reserved to hopefully perform/film a range test with a petrol car, collecting data and calculating costs etc. then hopefully visit the smart dealership to film their electric car and ask them some questions for our research/report. 

Location- Maidstone and surrounding area (we will put together a map shortly). 

Tuesday: Reserve day for smart or getting footage in London for VT's OOV's and our channel trailer. Or visiting smart.

Location- London/Maidstone

Wednesday: Reserve day for London 
-Note: We carefully looked in to filming regulations in London to find out if we had to go through any film offices. Trouble is London has over 20 different film offices that we would potentially need to go through. Fortunately after some digging on government websites we found out that small crews of 5 people or less, filming in public places don't need to acquire permission provided they obey the set regulations (more details pictured, we will be sure to put this in our risk assessment). 

Location- London

Thursday: Live interview. On this day we have organised our "live" interview with AJ, the electric car expert I have been in contact with.

Location- Camberly.

Friday: This day is reserved for any studio filming we may need. We would set up a green screen and basic set, potentially using some of the footage we shot to form an updated script.

Location- Maidstone  

Today we also began work an a basic script for our project. As usual we set up a google doc that we could all work on, each getting our own section to work on.

Problems-trouble was in hindsight we weren't communicating very effectively as a team during this exercise. This meant we kept over running and ended up either running over in to other peoples sections, 2 people writing the same thing, cutting out each others sections,or just generally getting in each others way.

I tried my best to work on my section but I was given mixed messages and wasn't being listened to. We will work on this tomorrow instead when we have a fresh state of mind. You can check our progress on the link bellow. 


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