Wednesday 4 October 2017

TV News: Further Planning

TV News: Further Planning

Today we once again commenced a Skype call. This time we dedicated our time to finishing the first draft of our script (which I'll insert bellow), and planning a route for our shoot days. 

After clearing the air among our group we were able to knuckle down and work far more efficiently as a team. 

We each had our own section of the script to work on (I was in charge of the live interview and some studio bits) deciding what shots we'd ideally like and plan out our dialogue. 

Some parts were difficult to write since we didn't know exactly what our contributors were going to say. So to leave a gap in our time plan for their answers. 

Overall we were able to produce and finish a pretty successful first draft of our script that we will get Helen's opinion on tomorrow.  We are still in debate as to who would make the best studio presenter. Although we are unsure if we even want to include this section, we have decided to film it and decide in the edit weather it works. To help with this we recorded both Cailan and Andrew reading sections of the script to see who sounded better. 

I personally think both have potential, but I would say Cailan has a more practiced an professional approach and if it were up to me, I'd choose him as a presenter. However to keep things as fair as possible we will get Helen to decide so that no arguments will be caused.

We also had Alex read out the script and timed it to make sure that it both, flowed nicely/sounded right, and fitted within our time limit (allowing extra time gaps for our contributors potential  answers). This helped us iron out any kinks or identify bits that needed to be reworded and the script fit nicely within our time limit.

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