Tuesday 3 October 2017

TV News: 4th Lecture

TV News: 4th Lecture

News Packages: "What you shot should drive what you right, and what you right should drive what you edit".

A package doesn't have to be presenter led, it can be authored following someone on a journey. 

A good package will contain a mixture of: Interviews/vox pops; Sequences and actuality; GV's; PTC's etc.

It should be set out with an intro, a main body of information, and then a conclusion that wraps up the story without leaving any un answered questions. 

Think about how you are going to engage your audience. 

Shoot action, preferably follow people or objects as much as possible. 

Be sure framing has been established before you go live.

On Location: Prepare as much in advance as possible.

Rekie the location

Have a schedule but be prepared to adapt it.

Be clear to your camera op as to what kind of shots you want, and what you want in them. 

Get plenty of coverage!

If possible write down important parts of dialogue said by interviewees that you can cut to later (time codes if possible). 

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