Friday 13 October 2017

TV News: Carology Social Media Update

TV News: Carology Social Media Update

This is just a small update to show that i have been continuing to develop the "Carology" brand. In an earlier post I showed that I had helped set up a Twitter and Instagram account for the "Carology" news channel. 

This was done so that we could become virtual social media managers, demonstrating our abilities to build and maintain a brand as suggested in the project brief. This was our interpretation which we believe meets and goes beyond the requirements.  

Since the last post myself and Alex have continued to update the social media on a regular basis. We had to make one or two changes along the way since our original focus was on electric cars. However since then it has shifted more broadly to the future of motoring, and we adapted our posts accordingly. 

I have had a strong focus on our twitter account, giving our audience small updates and insight in to the development of our project. I also align it with my behind the scenes documenting. Revealing cool photos of our set up and crew at work. Bellow is an example of some of the posts I have been doing. 

At least one or two tweets a day is what I aim for so that we maintain an audience and there attention. It's also a great place to share and collate news articles and research that I come across e.g. Dyson building an electric car, Uber banned in London etc.  

However I have been sure not to neglect our Instagram account. Making sure to post insightful and cutting edge updates/posts on our page on a regular basis.

Although Alex uses the Instagram page a lot, I make sure my contribution is clear. I tend to post press release photos or images of all manner of vehicles. Since our brand is "Carology" I started posting photos of Tesla's and other electric c cars. But as our project developed, i adapted and opened this up to other motoring related items e.g. bikes, self driving and hybrid cars, facts about fuel prices etc.  Bellow is an example of one of my posts. 

I like to ensure my posts are relevant to the "Carology" brand that we are trying to build up. We will continue to build up the social media of our brand as the project continues. 

Bellow are a few examples of some additional light hearted branding that I put together in my spare time. Designed to introduce our audience to the team behind "Carology" it is appropriately titled "Meet The Team". 

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