Friday 20 October 2017

Shoot Diary: Day 6

Shoot Diary: Day 6

Today was an additional shoot day used for collecting a few pick up shots. 

Myself and Alex arrived at the studios early to set in pace necessary preparations for the day. We watched the edit to see the gaps and put together a short list of shots we needed.

Since Cailan and Andrew weren't arriving til later we set in place plans for them as well. We messaged Andrew to bring in all music he had made so we could see what would fit. And we set up a mac and transferred all project files on to it, ready for Cailan to start work on our channel trailer. 

Alex and myself then went out to get the shots we were missing. Most of these shots were from inside Alex's car to use in the package. I sat in the back of the car with ALex's camera and fig-rig thing. I made sure to follow all safety precautions staying seat belted and in my seat. I used the zoom to focus on things like gear changes, indicators, steering etc. as Alex drove along.

Along the journey Alex would warn me of what he was about to do so that I could position the camera accordingly, he would also provide suggestions on what to focus on next. 

When we stopped we also got a few more shots of Alex driving away/driving past which Andrew came to help with. This helps to make some transitions easier, especially since i shot Alex pulling on teh handbrake and door handle to help symbolize stopping/getting out of the car, meaning we don't have to jump cut.

This all worked quite well I think. We then headed back to the studios where I put the shots in tot he gaps in the package. I showed this to the group to get there feedback and they helped refine it by showing which shots were unnecessary and could be cut to save time, which was helpful.

Meanwhile Cailan made a good start on the Channel Trailer. he just needs to record a bit of voice over and a few more shots. 

Tomorrow we will head to Brands hatch to film our new "Live".

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