Friday 22 September 2017

TV News: Project Update

TV News: Project Update

After today's workshop Alex and myself sat down to ring up all of the electric car dealership contacts that we had dug up earlier. Meanwhile Cailan was tasked with finding potentially suitable filming locations as well as finding out as much relevant information/facts on electric cars as possible. 

We had a list in front of us of all the numbers and a brief bit of info on the company e.g. location, brand models etc. We also prepared a few bullet points that we wanted to talk about (as per Jo's recommendation). We rang up and took turns to speak to each dealership, carefully explaining our project ideas and concept in a professional manner. 

After many phone calls we got a few "no's" a few "maybe's" and some people seemed quite enthusiastic but said that we needed to contact more appropriate departments e.g. marketing or press office. So there is still potential to establish a contact nice and early in the project. Alex volunteered to email the appropriate persons and explain our idea in more detail.  

Some of the companies we contacted included: Tesla, Nissan, Ford, Renault, VW and a few others.

This proved more difficult than I had imagined but I still remain optimistic about our idea.

Following this Alex assisted me in phoning a variety of mechanics and electric car specialists. I spoke to each one on the phone in the hopes of gaining an interview. 

After all these phone calls had been made one person potentially said yes but i will need to get back in contact with them next week to confirm.

Overall we have found a number of potential contacts and we may go and visit these in person since we may have more lee-way and a better chance to explain our project. I remain hopeful that at least one of these will pull through.

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