Wednesday 27 September 2017

TV News: Activity

TV News: Activity
Yesterday Helen set us a practice news task. Each group was given a topic and a small pack of information on that topic/story. We were then tasked to produce a small air time script that pieced together a 2 minuet story based off of that information. 

We all met via Skype and began to go through the document pulling out key points from the document we could use. We knew from Helen's lecture that points had to be summarized and supported by fact but not drowned in them.

To help with this I researched and contextualized some facts that we could use and suggested some rephrasing. However it didn't feel like the others were willing to listen, yet they didn't have many better ideas. 

Some of the links I looked at are bellow:

We then began to type up a script using the facts we had pulled. We dedicated one column to what would be seen on screen and another to dialogue. I oversaw and contributed to the resulting script which looks quite successful, it is pictured bellow and will be read out on Thursday (we checked that it fits within the time limit).


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