Tuesday 26 September 2017

TV News: 3rd Lecture

TV News: 3rd Lecture

In today's lecture we were discussing, what makes good writing?

One good rule to follow when writing commentary is, try to keep it in the present. Use present tense to describe exactly what is happening at the time, not what did happen.

Write, read and then re write, if you feel a change needs to be made, it is likely that the change is a simplification. Don't simplify your idea, but simplify the language used to appeal to more people.

Avoid using terms that you don't fully understand. You may no the associated meaning but not the literal meaning e.g. decimated. 

Don't overcompensate and over describe, describing things that you can clearly see on screen is a sign of bad writing. 

Image result for script writing

A good acronym to think about when writing is:

Precise -make sure dialogue is written clear, accurate and concise.
Accurate  - check your facts, how recent is the data you are using?
Germane - are all facts necessary and relevant?, know your story.
Equitable - ensure your view is balanced, view things objectively. 
Flow - walk the viewer through the story, have a linking structure.

Identify key questions early on, what needs to be asked and how will we find out.

Be: attention grabbing, creative, well informed, etc.

Don't weigh down your leads to much with facts, in the full report you can go in to detail but keep the initial description brief to draw people in.

Can you fit all your thoughts in? If not only include the most important so that you have the chance to go in to detail if you need. But don't drown out the personal touch. Make sure the audience can care and relate. 

Keep it focused, write about what people are doing, their actions first, then who/what they target, then finally what the effects were.

Write to pictures, but don't be too literal, avoid repeating yourself, have the pictures/words compliment/bounce off each other.

Write in an appropriate tone for the content it is discussing. Make sure to read bits allowed to make sure they sound right and if possible work with the narrator no ensure they pronounce everything correctly. 

Image result for news reporter

Scripting A News Package
Write it in advance and be prepared to adapt it as facts change/update.

Have an opening statement for the report prepared that can grab attention and summaries the story subject briefly. This can be an open ended question.

Give your reporter a purpose, they should be active not just an on looker. 

Ensure your story is in chronological order, if possible have a central character that the audience can relate to. 

Write conversationally and have an active voice. 

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