Tuesday 19 September 2017

2nd Year TV News: Introduction

2nd Year TV News: Introduction

Today marked the beginning of our first unit for our second year. Helen introduced us to the  unit we would be undertaking for the next 6 weeks "TV News". This unit looks exciting, but at the same time it has a faster turn around than any previous unit. 

Image result for newsImage result for news

Key Skills for this unit:
  • Sourcing stories and story telling
  • Sourcing contributors
  • Sourcing locations
  • Script writing/story boarding
  • Interviewing 
  • Sequencing and Actuality 
  • Good Coverage (GV's)
  • Good Sound
  • Factual accuracy/being impartially balanced 
  • Team Work and Comunication
  • Time management and organisation skills
  • Interpreting information and finding news
 New Skills:
  • Reporting (on screen directing talent)
  • Fast turn around
  • Online development + branding concept
  • Studio Presentation/News Anchoring (green screen if possible)

Related imageImage result for live

The Brief

We are challenged to develop our own original online news channel, and produce content for that channel.
Also to find a brand that will target a certain audience, design, build and maintain that brand.

This unit should include:
1. An original title sequence.
2. A promotional package (with teaser trailer).
3. A news package with a presenter on location (live report).
4. Written material on the web to support the story/channel.

Notes after watching previous students work:
  • Good writing is important, don't be dull and repetitive. 
  • Action + reaction, if someone looks at something, we need to see it. 
  • Don't be afraid to use appropriate props, but keep mics out of shot unless they are necessary. 
  • Sign post clearly all connections between stories and points. 

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