Tuesday 19 September 2017

Initial Ideas

Initial Ideas:

After today's introduction and a chat with Helen my group began to brainstorm some initial ideas. 

we tried to think of relevant stories or events. I had a few initial ideas which I quickly scrapped due to them either being too far outside of shoot dates, or too similar to previous students work.

These included:

  • McMillan Coffee morning 
  • Tesco Marathon 
  • Hospice charity events 
However after discussing things as a group bouncing off of each other to cut to the best ideas we narrowed it down to 3/4.

  • Motor sport vs electric cars (Alex's idea)                      -this idea has the easiest potential access
  • Broadditch horror events and other local stories (my idea)      -this idea has access but we would need to find something to     contrast the first story
  • How the British transport industry is undergoing major problems and failure, e.g. Southern Rail, Ryan air (Cailan's idea)       -this idea was the most interesting to the group, but access to  locations and interviewees could prove difficult.
  • A report on the anniversary of the Beatles visiting westmaulling (Andrew's idea)                                   -this idea has some potential but it is the least fleshed out.

We have begun research immediately, the first step we decided was to email potential contributors. We will each research our own idea but for the time being I am helping Alex email contacts in motor sport and electric cars, to potentially find interviewees since this idea is the most fleshed out.

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