Thursday 28 September 2017

TV News: Project Update 28/09/17

TV News: Project Update 28/09/17

Location Scouting 2.0- Yesterday we went to scout some further locations that we could use as contrast to the high tech story. We considered how safe they were, if the car could get access easily, and where we could position the camera. The roads we looked at today worked better as it had fenced off path ways beside the road that the camera could safely be positioned behind. 

Bellow are some images of the locations.

Once again we also considered places that a reporter could possibly stand and present from depending on weather we go for a studio look or rural.

We also went to visit the Smart dealership in Maidstone. We had been having discussions via email about borrowing an electric car and they seemed quite enthusiastic. However we decided to go in person to help clarify the purity of our intentions. It also helped us to get a look at the electric models they had and we could get a small amount of research from that.

We also visited a couple of other dealerships in person but they seemed unwilling to help and shut us down before we could even explain our idea. This was quite rude and they were far more polite over the phone, I guess this just goes to show that sometimes you can't know everything unless you go in person.

Nissan said maybe, if we emailed their head office which either myself or Alex will do.

Smart seemed quite enthusiastic about our idea and said they would get back to us within the next couple of days. I hope they pull through as shoot week is drawing nearer and changing plans now could prove difficult.

Bellow are some relevant images from the electric car dealerships that we can use for research. 

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