Friday 29 September 2017

Critical Perspectives-Introduction

Critical Perspectives: Introduction

Today we were introduces to our new unit that we would be studying along side our current work.

Unit Aim
To promote deeper critical understanding of audio visual output.

Topic Choices
1. Discuss critically and analyse the view that with successful adaptation the original work is "translated in to something new and different while still retaining traces of the past". 
With reference to at least one text.

2. Analyse the implications of online journalism and the extent to which "we are all journalists now" making reference to both traditional forms of broadcast journalism and citizen journalism. 

Activity: Discuss in pairs what is the question asking you to consider?
What television broadcasts could you consider referencing as case studies? 
How viable is this as a choice?
What are the challenges in answering this option and using your chosen case study? 

(Answers on a separate Blog Post)

If looking at fiction, the subject matter you choose should have originally been adapted from text. When looking for references about how it was received there are several sources you could look at e.g. BARB stats, Rotten tomatoes, Broadcast Magazine etc.

How has it changed over it's adaptation, did the target audience change, did key plot points change, did the messages/values change?

Casting can effect how we perceive an adaptation, depending on actors abilities, chemistry, and background. 

When considering this option, make sure that there are enough adaptations to work from, since some may have been changed for censorship or other reasons.

When considering journalism you have to carefully consider what actually counts as citizen journalism. 

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