Tuesday 26 September 2017

TV News: Location Scouting

TV News: Location Scouting

Today our group set out around the Maidstone area to scout out some possible scenic filming locations for our project.

Andrew had bookmarked some potential locations on google which we st out to investigate. They were mostly country roads or rural settings with some land mass, a bridge or some other significant structure. This is because we want to create contrast between the flashy new electric car and the old/historic British countryside. It will also give our potential viewers/audience a chance to see how the car fairs in these types of environment. 

Bellow are a few images of the locations we scouted.

While on location we had to consider a number of factors, such as where we could potentially position cameras. The level of access we would need (are we on public or private land), which is the best angle to shoot from.

What are some alternative shots we could get, is there enough room for the car, if so is it possible to safely follow its movement with a camera.

Could this location have multiple uses, for example could we place a reporter here and film an introduction or a report. 

All of these factors were very useful to envision and lets us get a head start before filming. We made a note of each suitable location and overall this day was a productive use of our time and will contribute positively to the overall project. 

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