Monday 25 September 2017

TV News: Project Update (Contacts)

TV News: Project Update (Contacts)

Image result for good news everyone

Today Alex heard back form a car dealership we contacted previously, who will potentially be letting us test drive one of their electric models for our project.

If all goes to plan this will be great as we can really give our viewers a hands on visual demonstration of an electric car and its potential benefits. It will keep viewer interest and draw attention which is exactly what news should do. This will hopefully form our package. 

Tomorrow we will get in touch with their marketing team to double check our plans, then we will put together a rough shoot schedule.

I have also been in contact with an electric car expert. He owns one himself and has a lot of connections in the industry. I've emailed him today asking him to be one of our interviewees (which could hopefully form the live segment of our broadcast), he would be interesting to our audience since they could resonate with him, and hopefully he can give us the inside scoop on what electric cars are really like, how they work etc.

The next step would be to hopefully allocate time for this on the shoot schedule. Then research in to some actual facts and statistics that we can provide to our audience alongside any interviews.

I will keep the details of other contacts close at hand as a backup.

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