Thursday 1 December 2016

Screenwriting Research

Bellow is a summary of all the research and tips I picked up on screenwriting.
Formatting-  In ordeer to format a screenplay you must first have scene headings. Theese are there to break up the story almost in to acts.

Each characters dialouge should be presented in a seperate line to make it clear, and any extra detail should be presented in brackets.

Each scene should list what kind of location and shots are required at the top e.g. ext or int to match up with the shot list.

The standard rule for a screenplay is based around the idea of a page per minuet, meaning that the dialouge or action per page should make up at least a minuet.

Details about camera actions, or shot transitions are an option to include but not necisarry.

Staging- It is important to consider the movement of characters and their reactions to action when writing a screenplay.

The way a character moves or speaks in relation to another characters actions is important to consider.

If a character moves within a scene or picks up props, it is important to give details of this, but only if necisarry. 

Dialouge- One of the most important things when writing a screenplay is dialouge, it needs to be snappy and effective.

Make sure your dalouge is realistic which is why i read other screenplays before writing mine, which are referenced bellow. 

Make sure your dialouge doesnt drag out longer than necisarry but effectivly creates reaction to another character.

Writing your dialouge in the way a character speaks can be an effective tool if utalised correctly.

It is important to show rather than tell, so if a sentance can be replaced by an action, consider doing it.

Other Research- 
All screenplays should be written in courier font as this is industry standard.

It is important to create multiple drafts of a script before finalizing as certain lines or sections will ahve to be re written for maximum effectiveness. 
I will link my drafts in this blog with a breif description of the changes made to each one. 

A screenplay can be almost as long as you wnat (provided you can fit it in to a film), but should be at leat 10 pages.

Ensure your screenplay has some kind of theme or message to deliver (mine is based around the idea of meetings, simple meetings that you have with people everyday that can turn in to something bigger).

Ensure your screenplay has a good structure or risk loosing audience atention.


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