Thursday 1 December 2016

Critical Analysis

In this reveiw i will be going over each individual section of my story telling unit evaluating what i did, what went well, and what i would change/improve next time.

For our screenwriting task we had to produce a ten page screenplay based on the theme of "The Meeting". For this we first came up with a 25 word pitch and received feedback on our idea, this was very effective as i was able to take notes on my feedback and adapt my idea acordingly to benafit my potential audience.

We also had to take notes in lectures and research on our own, in to the topic of screenwriting. This was a strong point of the project since i took a lot of notes and learned a lot about the basics of writing. However if i were to change one thing, next time i would read more screenplays to learn a bit more about how they are structured and how the dialouge is written.

When writing mine i went through several drafts to improve the structure and over all message of my plot. Although i obtained feedback on most drafts, in future i would produce even more drafts that i would get feedback on from a wider variety of people, to ensure the writing is as effective as possible.

For the pre production side of my project i mainly relied on my screenplay for the basis of my film. Howver other elements were involved.

For example an effective use of my time was used to scout out my location prior to filming, so that i could plan out the filming and equipment use aheadof time to avoid delays. 

I also produced a relativly detailed shot list that told me exactly what to film. In future i may consider producing a story board to help with staging, or alternitivly just be more descriptive in my shot list.

Thanks to careful planning and a detailed shot list/screenplay my filming was very effective. I was able to capture more fotage than i needed and ahead of schedual. I was able to utalise my location virtually to it's full extent. However there were one or two unforseen dificulties such as background noise in some shots or in accassible ground, however i was able to work around this effectivly.

In future i will consider booking out location/equipment on another date in case anything were to go dramatically wrong. And although i captured plenty of footage, and repeated shots to ensure staging and other elements were perfect; it could have been better if i captured a few more angles or a wider variety of shots in some scenes. As it can be a little limiting when i come to edit. 

The stging was effective in my film and although i didn't have access to a tripod i made good use of hand held shots. 

There were one or two instances where background noise was too loud ir audio to quiet, however i was abke to mostly fix this in the ediit, but never the less it is something to be more conscience of in future.

Edit and Feedback
The final part of this project was the edit and reveiw of my film.

The editing proccesse was relativly pain free. I planned my shots based on my screenplay and shot list and although i added a few extra they wre able to cut in to each other relativly seemlessly. There was one or teo instances where a shot waqs too short so had to cut in to a new one prematurly, however this didn't effect the pace too much as i could work around it.

It may have been easier if i used less camera cuts/longer shots, wehn filiming as it is easier to cut in post than it is to drag out shots.

There were a few shots in my film that required colour correction or exposure changes, which took some time but ultimatly wasn't a huge challange. This couldn't really be helped since natural light levels on sight are constantly changing.

It was very useful having peers and others watch my film as they were able to spot issues, or pacong problems that i had overloocked. I was sure to get a varuiety of people to look at my film in diferent stahes of development. I was able to comunicate with my fellow group members effectivly and we compared styles and techniques. 

This was useful for inspiration and i ended up cutting out some shots completly as they were un necasarry, or effected the pacing of my film. The only thing I would change hear, is perhaps look for theese issues at an earlier stage si there is more time to adapt the film.

Overall this project was very successful. Communication and feedback from/with others allowed me to constantly adapt my work so it was as effective as possible. Careful planning came in useful in every stage but there are one or two planning and general improvements to consider for future reference. 

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