Thursday 2 May 2019

Major Project: Editing-Jamie Caroline and Kickstarter

Major Project: Editing-Jamie Caroline and Kickstarter

The next interview in our documentary is one with profesional racing driver, Jamie Caroline. 

This sequence was visually different to a lot of our others, but also was set up in a way that I am more familiar with. As such it wasn't too hard to edit. We had 3 different camera angles which I was keen to use to their full extent, cutting to a close up when he makes a very hard-hitting point. Then cutting back to a wide shot so we see his hands when he's explaining something. I think this flowed quite nicely and I had a rough cut put together pretty quickly.

But after showing it to Simon, he said it was far too long and he also wasn't a huge fan of our wide shot. So i ended up re-editing the sequence to be more accommodating to these peramitors. But I was struggling with what to cut out. This is where my transcripts came
in handy and I was able to sit with Alex and work out what the essential information was. We had some disagreements here but eventually, Alex saw the point I was making and we put together another cut with little trouble.

This time Simon was more positive but suggested we add in more cut aways. So as well as the stuff we filmed at his house Alex fov.ound footage of Jamie out on track which I overlayed. Then upon Simons request added in the audio from this. I know how important sound design is but i was a little apprehensive as i didn't want to overpower the interview, fortunately with adjustments to the gain I got this to work smoothly. 

Jamie became more refined with every cut and although he is shorter now, I still think he's effective and im happy with his sequence. My only issue is that I think he cuts out to quickly at the end but Simon insisted we cut here so there's little I can do.

After his sequence we show Alex setting up his kickstarter page. This was originally all VFX but Simon found it too bland. So we followed the same advice he gave us for the interview and overlaced the V/O (which we had to re-record multiple times to get a clear explanation that wouldn't confuse audiences) with on track footage and sound from race cars. With a tiny bit of VFX and actuality. I think this sequence works but could be a little bit tighter. 

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