Thursday 15 February 2018

As Live Production: Report Writing

As Live Production: Report Writing

30% of our grade comes from a critical analysis report of our production role.

This essay will be 2000 words and should be made up of research in to your role, and studio production in general. Similar to professional practice, this report should be a guide to how to perform your role. It should give details about the technical aspects, opportunities and challenges faced. But should be kept distant from a diary of your experiences, more of a guide with references to your experience.  

Show the reader that you are able to critically evaluate your work, by understanding critical approaches, informed by referencing your academic reading throughout. 

The report should reference: 
  • The process and methodology adopted
  • Your research into wider context of your chosen area of work and established methodologies and processes-(you must research your chosen role)
  • Contextual information for each project and background
  • Insert your test shoots, scripts, paperwork etc. in to your appendix as an example of your creative process. 
What to include and structuring:
Draw up a list of general areas you will need to cover-try mind mapping
Overal Rule- Tell them what you are going to say(intro), actually tell them (Main Body), recap and summarise what you've told them (conclusion).

Titles and sections to include:

Report Format- You need to use a combination of the following:
  • Bullet points
  • Titles heading/subheadings
  • Illustrations/images
  • Page Numbers
  • Foot Notes
  • References
  • Bibliography
  • Appendix 

Sources of information: People; books and other publications; online; events and places.

Always adopt a formal writing style which is "unobtrusive".

Argue your points in the essay by supporting them with evidence.

Avoid Colloquialisms.

SPAG, Avoid overly long sentences/paragraphs, 

Explain things an uninformed audience wouldn't know.

Proof read your work before submission.

Be concise and clear

Avoid simple terms like "basically" or "actually".

Avoid unnecessary repetition and back referencing. 

Why do a research Report?

It justifies your creative methodologies and choices.

Shows you can make informed decisions.

Shows you can reflect on your work.

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