Wednesday 14 February 2018

As Live Production: Etsy Contributor

As Live Production: Etsy Contributor

As part of my ongoing research, I have made a conscious effort to contact and find as many possible contributors as possible. 

The main contributor I was in charge of finding was one for the DIY section. For this, I suggested that we use an Etsy seller as they would make a great interviewee. Etsy sellers make all their own items and are able to use the site as a virtual craft fair to market their goods to a global market. 

I went on the site and used search filters to locate clothes sellers that were within a certain radius of the Maidstone area. I was able to locate a number of sellers which I then proceeded to contact.

Following the advice I found through my research, I used a formal style of writing without making it too serious. This way it appeared as a calm and professional inquiry but encouraged human connection. I was sure to clearly explain the pitch and concept for our project and our proposed shooting days. As well as explaining what we would want to hear from the contributors.

I received multiple responses so had to use my organization skills to sort through all of the replies and work out who had the best availability and who would make the best contribution (also taking into account who was most eager).

Ultimately I decided that out of the responses I received, Bonnie Arpino was the best applicant and contributor. After this was established I continued email correspondence to give her as much detail about the project as possible so she could understand the angle and information we wanted to source.

As a researcher, you also work closeley with the other departments in preparation for live production. So once I had built up this contact with Bonnie I passed on her details to casting, and to the directors/producers so that they could evaluate her contribution. 

Even after I had done this I still made sure to keep regular contact with the contributor and keep her up to date on the progress of the production. This way they feel involved, won't "go cold" and will be more inclined to work with us. This also meant that any changes on either end could be communicated quickly and efficiently. 

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