Monday 12 February 2018

As Live Production: Production Meeting 12/02/18

As Live Production: Production Meeting 12/02/18

Today we had a key production meeting to check on everyone's progress and so that we could all understand what changes had been made and what everyone needed to do.

These were the majour Points that were discussed:
  • The "Old To New" VT has been chaned and adapted to fit the style of the show. It is now going to follow a similar style to a Buzfeed video, in which we will pick a trend from each decade and use modeks to display them. Information will then be provided through graphics and or voice over. We al agreed that this style was more modern and matched the tone of our show (I have been put in charge of researching for this VT).
  • The indipendant stores VT has been scrapped as it doesn't link well with the rest of the show and takes up too much time talking about things that we discuss later in the show anyway.
  • We want to reduce the time we spend mentioning "dad trainers" as they are not strong enough to justify their own section.
  • To fill the time gap left by cutting the previous two sections we want to look in to indipendant online retailers. In the last meeting I suggested we look in to Etsy sellers, which was agreed to be a good idea. Since then I got in contact with a seller who said she'd be happy to contribute to/appear on our show. I informed the producers of this at the meeting and it was agreed it'd be a good idea to have our new indipendant VT centred around my contact. 
  • There were also to be some minor changes in the running order but this was just a case of re-shuffling so that sections link better.
  • We all now have tasks to work on. I will continue to talk to my Etsy contact as well as researching the "Old To New" VT and assisting the other researchers. 

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