Friday 24 November 2017

Professional Practice: Rough Cut Action Points

Professional Practice: Rough Cut Action Points

Bellow are a list of points that detail how and what I plan to act upon following the viewing of my Rough Cut:

    Bernard states that “The rough cut stage is often the best time to reassess the major issues of story and narrative”. (Bernard, 2010, p. 188), from teh feedback I received I certainly feel equiped to address such issues.
  • Split Screen- I see their point about the limited view in places, and as such I will cut back on it slightly, reducing it to two frames rather than three. I will consider removing it completely but I am quite impressed by it as were the focus group of peers I showed it to.

  • Revise Outro- Following their point about the ineffectiveness of shooting in to the light I will re- arrange a time to re-shoot a few short segments such as the outro (this may be a chance to get a few pick up shots where things like planks or time codes were visible in shot). I will also act upon their advice to add in an additional shot of the Fire pump to end on, followed by Text e.g. credits and logo's.

  • Revise Language- Now that I have a clearer idea of my primary and secondary audiences I will edit together a new draft of my script that might be a little easier to understand. I will also change up some of the tenses and language to remove accidental negative connotations about the pumps care.

  • Animation- Similarly to keep the attention of my younger audience I will finish working on my animated diagram, making sure to add in details of scale e.g. arrows vehicles etc. so it is can be easily understood. 

  • Revise PTC- Following their advice I will look at shortening the PTC shots so that we transition more directly in to the voice over. I would ideally still like to keep these shots though, as they inject personality in to the piece that helps it stand out. 
Fortunately all of these points are relatively easy to act upon, most can be covered in script changes and re recording of voice over, however some will require a re-shoot which I will scheduled for December 4th as we discussed in our first meeting.

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