Friday 10 November 2017

Professional Practice: Moving Forward

Professional Practice: Moving Forward

I went in to this project weighing my options carefully but knowing I either wanted to do work placement or commission. Placement was my first choice as there were some exciting opportunities available. After applying (unsuccessfully) for my first choice of work placement I was not deterred and attended Nathan Course's lecture eager to here what he had to say.

Nathan offered a fascinating and inspiring look in to the post production industry. it was also mentioned that he might have some work placement opportunities available. I spoke to him after the lecture about his work and inquired about a potential placement. He unfortunately was doubtful he'd be able to secure anything before Christmas.   

After my second turn down I took some time to re evaluate my position. I thought very carefully about my next steps, I could continue emailing round to find a post production placement (as that is the area I want to go in to), but with our deadline drawing near I wasn't sure that was the best option. 

I found myself with an itching urge to do some more creative work. I wanted to further prove what I was capable of while still building contacts. Commission was going to be my second choice anyway and after reviewing the Guildhall opportunity and watching previous students work, I became really inspired to follow up that opportunity.  

I was full of creative ideas as to what I could make out of this project and was eager to put placement behind me and channel all my energy in to commission. I emailed Helen and Laura that same day explaining my change of heart. 

After meeting with them we set up a meeting with the Guildhall, I look forward to getting started and producing more creative work.  

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