Friday 23 September 2016

Storytelling Unit - Short Location/Character Project

In order to help us prpare for our story telling unit we were split in to groups. I was working with Cailan and Will, and we were tasked to come up with a basic script outline for the characters, and location that we picked out at random. We had to base this around the theme of the meeting to keep consistancy and relavence in our project. The results are presented bellow.

Location: Train Station

Characters: Journalist (Sue), Computer Geek (James)

Who are your characters? Man woman, young old, names etc. 

Journalist: 'Sue' | 25 years old

"Short black hair, sue works the glasses look despite having 
laser eye surgery 4 months ago, she believes it bolsters her intelligence. Doesn't like apologising, some say she's argumentative. Not me though, I wouldn't dare say that."

Top Quotes from Sue: 

"James, I NEED this. This information could get me killed, or worse."

"I didn't get to where I am now by sitting around on the computer all day. I did real work."

"Some people say I have a resting bitch face, I call it sass." 

- Female
- Lives in Brighton
- Peak of her career
- Headstrong, confident.
- Slightly ruthless, not afraid to cut corners to get a story.
- Doesn't like kids.

Computer Geek: 'James' | 29 years old

"Medium length messy hair, brown in colour. Many people describe James as rather laid-back, this is obviously completely unrelated to the accusations he has received regarding the distribution of weed throughout his apartment complex. Very knowledgable when it comes to computers, some call it a gift, sue calls it a waste of life."

Top Quotes from James: 

"Have you tried reformatting it?"

"Damn it Sue, I'm just a guy."

"Don't question me, can you run through the complete patch notes of iOS 10, I can. Shut up Sue."

- Male
- Lives in East Croydon.
- Friends with Sue
- Slightly introverted, confidence issues.
- Intellectual, computer guru, knows his shit.
- Family guy, has 2 kids, son and daughter.
- Divorced from only wife, no love interest with Sue whatsoever.

Why would they be meeting? Is it planned? by chance? do they miss each-other?

Sue has travelled to East Croydon to meet with James as she has recently came into possession of very sensitive material that could incriminate her in the theft of classified information. She is a very driven individual, therefore this hiccup has put a grinding halt to her incredibly structured life.

Think about, goal, conflict and change in your idea. What is different at the end of the story? What have we learnt? 

Sue's goal for this trip was to have James destroy the sensitive information that is being stored on her laptop hard-drive to prevent the FBI agents pursuing her, gaining incriminating evidence. Despite this, James does not have the knowhow in order to successfully erase the information from the hard-drive leaving no trace.

James is incredibly distressed however ultimately it is not his fault, Sue came to him with an incredibly urgent task with no expectation of failure. While discussing the issue, a FBI agent steps off the train sitting at the platform; panicked, Sue immediately recoils from her calm, cool persona revealing it all to be a facade - after confessing to the agent and pleading with him that it wasn't her fault (to James' surprise), the agent informs her that he wants to get the information out to the public himself and enlists both Sue and James to aid him in doing so.

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