Friday 23 September 2016

Story Telling Project...Three Short Stories

Durign the same session that we produced the script ideas presented earlier, we were also given another assignment. We were split in to pairs and given three diferent breifings. Working with Zak we looked though newspapers in order to find inspiration from current events that we could use to generate stories that fit the breifing. The results are presented below, each had to be 25 words or less.

Senario 1: Big Budget Hollywood Thriller With A Major Star

Image result for brad pitt and angelina jolieImage result for killer hornets uk 

Our first scenario was to produce a low budget Hollywood Thriller staring a major celebrity and a twist based on current events. We took inspiation from teh recent "Branjalina" break up, and the threat foreign hornets pose to the Bee population, and went with.... 

"Brad Pitt is an undercover agent working to save the environment, but he wasnt prepared for the enemy's secret weapon, giant mutant hornets!"


Scenario 2: A New Late Night Channel 4 Reality Show

Image result for theresa may and jeremy corbynImage result for channel 4 coach trip


Our next scenario was to craete a new late night channel 4 show that related to current events in the media.
We went with two political leaders that have been in the media recently, Teresa May and Jerany Corbyn, and took a populer channel 4 show, coach trip. Our tagnile was as follows...

"May and Corbyn star in a coach trip spinoff, traveling around britain to raise popularity, joimed by diferent comedians to keep things running smoothly...they dont".

Scenario 3: A Low Budget Drama Set In A Council Estate

Image result for prince charlesImage result for council estate 

For our third short story we were given the breif of a small budget film or drama series, set in a council estate. After flicking throigh the news we noticed that the royal family had been presented in the media of late, and thought the juxtapositioning of royalty and a council estate would be amusing. The tag line we came up with is as follows...

"Prince Charles must defend against conflict with a hord of chavs at a local council estate after getting off at the wrong buss stop"

And there you have it. Those were the three scearios that we devised based on local events in the media (using newspapers for inspiration) and adhearing to a breif. In order to practice and develop our skills for the story telling unit.

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