Tuesday 20 September 2016

Story Telling: The Breif...(Script Writing And Planning) 

"Everything Starts With An Idea"

A Good Movie Starts With A Good Script

This entry will give details of the key points I picked up from my briefing about my "Story Telling Project".

Myself and my class were recently given a breifing on the first project we will be taking as part of our TV Production course. The project is called "Story Telling" and it will begin like all successful movies and TV series with a script.

Before we began the proccess we were given a variety of information and tips on the proccesse of script writing. We were talked through the proccesse and were told the essentials that make up a good plot line. The key points that I picked up from this are as follows:

  • Your characters must have a goal (without a goal there is no direction for your plot to go in and tehre can be no progression or character development).
  • You need some kind of conflict (this doesn't have to be violent, it can simply be an oposition of ideals or characters with very diferent goals, this helps to develop plot and caharcters and increase audience retention).
  • Your script should be based on an original idea, (your idea should include characters, how tehy will develop and what conflict can occur as a result to craeye a unique veiwing experience). 
  • It is important to consider setting characters and genre right from the start of the proccesse in order to work around or within limitations you might have.
The proccesse of writing a script can be a complex one and tehre are important things to consider such as:
  • It should be relatable in places but does not have to be completly grounded or 100% realistic.
  • At the same time you shouldn't get carried away with extensive far fetched plot points as you risk alienating your audience.
  • You shouldnt remain static sitting in a chaor waiting for ideas to come to you, you should move around take in your surroundings carfully and be inspired by environments, people and media around you.
  • You should include plenty of detail insert information about changes in setting, character behavour and the surounding environment. This allows for better audience visualisation and makes it more convincing and realistic. 
  • Be sure to follow genre codes and conventions, I was given the choice of Thriller Drama or Comedy, and will take inspiration from TV series such as "Orphan Black" studying use of genre. 
My scene had to be based around the meeting of two characters, my preference is to base it in the drama genre and I will take in to acount all that I have mentioned above e.g. setting, character goals, conflict etc.

Following the introduction to the "Story Telling" project and taking in to acount the key points mentioned above, my initial thoughts are mind mapped below and will likley form the basis of my script, the better it is the better it can be transformed in to a two minuiet piece of moving imagery later in the project. \/ \/ \/

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