Tuesday 9 April 2019

Major Project: Notes From Beth (9th April 2019)

Notes From Beth (9th April 2019)

Today we had another session with Beth where we showed her our latest cut. We were eager to get her feedback after her notes from last time proved so useful. Below is a summary of what we took from this meeting.

We have a clear story running through the film, Alex ha always liked racing this is now evident. We see him training for a big race, how it is good we wounder how are you going to get on?

The V/O needs scripting, as Alex repeats himself too much or rambles in places, this will likely be finalised closer to the fine cut.

Umbrella note on the whole thing - “It’s just a titan.” There’s too much in this version, some stuff feels a little bit unnecessary. Does it repeat what we’ve already got? Is there something that already advances the story forward in the same way?

The scene with Alex's dad is great, really liked the emotion and reflective feel of that sequence.

The point at the end with the diary room pictures needs work in terms of “I remember it because it’s funny”, could possibly be cut.

Right at the beginning, we need to hear, “My dream is to take part in a motorsport race…” and then see an introductory montage.

Start really thinking more about sound design, music, get the pace and momentum going early on.

Gym bits are too long, Dan Rowbottom interview is too long. What we really want is “What is it going to be like you for you, what’s race day like etc.”

Bruno interview was good but shame he’s wearing his cap.

The racing license sequence is strong but need to cut after the window winds down, also audio after that walking towards the car could be cut entirely. Just cut straight to the car

The line, “You know when you don’t notice your brother getting fat” should be cut. 

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