Thursday 24 January 2019

Major Project: Research-Chris Harris On Cars

Major Project: Research-Chris Harris On Cars

As part of my ongoing research for this project, I was drawn to the short mini-documentary "Chris Harris On Cars". A series that Alex said may be inspiring for some parts of our project. Below are the notes I had after researching/watching the show.

  • We meet the presenter straight away (this is very important when setting up your story).
  • We can see some examples of decent editing and shot choices very early on!
  • It's really nice to be able to see the presenters reactions when he’s driving the car.
  • The choice of shots matches the narration.
  • We get some B roll of key people/contributors.
  • The presenter isn't that emotive, kind of flat personality.
  • There is a clear lack of music in places.
  • There's a good buildup of tension around seven minutes into the video.
  • The presenter uses narration to convey how they were feeling at the time.
  • Really nice shallow focus.
  • Narration is used to push the narrative forward and to sum up events quickly.
  • There wasn't a lot of attention given to the audio in this vid.
  • 13:30 - some brilliant camera work!!! (Great use of slow-mo).
  • The cutaways used to help tell the story.
  • We don't get to see enough of the presenter throughout the video.
  • We hardly talk to anyone in this video (almost no interaction with friends, colleagues or other contributors), so the story is not as informative as it potentially could have been.

Closing Thoughts

  • Overall the narrative was weak.
  • The intro and outro were…….. Meh
  • This wasn't really a documentary, more of a vlog (and not a very good one either).
  • Similar to the last documentary we aren't really made to care about the presenter in any way.
  • The video did have some great camerawork though!
  • The editing of this video was good and helped to keep consistent style and pace throughout.
  • This video was some great inspiration for our "race segment " (but we could make it way more exciting!)

Overall Relevance Score 6/10

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