Thursday 22 March 2018

As Live Production: Old To New Final Cut Review

As Live Production: Old To New Final Cut Review

After finishing the shoot on the "Old To New" VT Alex Hargood worked hard to edit together a cut. I viewed the rough and fine cuts and overall was really pleased with how both of them turned out. 

The VT has really nice transitions and the switch from a male to a female model and then back again as the decade's change are a really nice touch. 

The mise en scene for the whole shoot is really nice and the props that were gathered help add to the scene without detracting attention from the models.

In the rough cut there were a few shots that needed either cropping or extending. This is because either the model's face was cut off or a bag/other item was in the shot. And also because some shots did not give the audience long enough to focus on the clothing items.

There was also a transition that had an 80's logo spinning on a record (which worked really well as a transition) but then stopped. I suggested that it should keep spinning and the shot should then either fade or cut so that the pace is not ruined. 

I also thought when I first viewed the rough cut that to help symbolise the passing of decades and trends each decade should have a different filter. 

I am really pleased that these changes made it in to the final cut and that my research into style trends were clearly utilised in this VT.

I think that the music works well and that the VT utilises rhythmic editing without solely relying on it. Each shot is a nice length and gives the audience a chance to view the clothing items. 

Apart from the graphics (which are deliberately made to stand out). a lot of the editing is invisible which is what you want. The light levels are also very effective creating a good atmosphere without casting too many shadows.

Overall seeing my suggested changes make it in to the final cut there is nothing else that i can think of that needs changing. 

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