Wednesday 25 April 2018

Transition: Idea Outline And Editors Statement (Black Mirror)

Transition: Idea Outline And Editors Statement (Black Mirror)

Following our recent idea change, I think it is important that I outline our new idea.

Now for our transition project, we are going to be re-creating the opening to an episode of Black Mirror called "White Bear". We aim to make it more Americanised, less handheld and high budget looking.

Image result for ck mirror white bearImage result for ck mirror white bear

Why This Scene?- We chose this scene because creatively it is very interesting. It combines interior and exterior locations within one scene, both of which have very different lighting levels. The sound design is very prominent and creates an effective atmosphere. 

Although there is little dialogue in this scene the storytelling of the shots, props, and visual effects is both simple yet very effective. 

Image result for ck mirror white bearHowever due to the large number of handheld shots, simple camera angles and built up location; there is clear room for improvement. Our Approach would be to use far less handgeld shots, using a track, and a drone to get unique angles that enhance the storytelling further. There is also a lot to work with when it comes to lighting, colour, sound design and VFX. 

Editors Statement
My Approach will be to using static shots as the editor I can have more control over what the audience sees. I will crop in some of the clips to ensure that background details aren't too distracting. 

I will let a lot of the shots be drawn out and have a lot of cuts to close up reaction shots from our central character. This will allow the audience to be more emotionally connected with the story. 

I plan to focus heavily on the sound design, incorporating more layers and elements of atmos than the original sequence in order to enhance the feel of mystery. Background noise will create an immersive environment and I will have the opportunity to include foley sound as well, for a more in depth approach.

Colour grading is also somehting I plan to implement, while the original sequence appears quite washed out, I aim to tint the scene to a warmer colour for a more mysterious high-intensity thriller feel.

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