Sunday 22 April 2018

Transition: Idea Change

Transition: Idea Change

Going forward with this unit we have to carefully consider time management. We want to create the best work we can, but in order to do so we need to ensure that our idea is achievable in the short amount of time we have. Which is why after a recent group meeting we have decided it is best to change our idea.

Although "Sacrilege" is a very exciting idea and something that offered a new challenge. It is unfortunately proving to be too big of a project to achieve in the short space of time we have. This is due to the fact that we require a relatively large cast and a vast number of different locations. All of which are very difficult to get organised for the dates we need at such short notice. 

The other factors that have disengaged us from this project include the need for practical effects e.g. pyrotechnics or a burial scene, or very specific lighting requirements. All of which are hard to arrange or get permissions for. Especially since some of this would take place on privately owned land and we are having trouble tracing the land owners.

As such we have decided it is best to move away from this idea. Instead, we are going to re-create the opening to an episode of "Black Mirror". This way it is a smaller more simplified scene, but we have a lot of creative freedom with it and it offers different technical challenges in the way we shoot and edit. Using equipment and techniques we haven't used before. 

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