Monday 8 May 2017

Filming Journal: Day 6

Filming Journal: Day 6

This day was the final day of shooting and was jointly organised between myself and Alex. We each emailed dozens and dozens of nutritional therapists to hopefully find one who would be in our documentary. After a lot of "No's" and several "wild goose chaces" Alex eventually found a nutritionist in Saltdean who was willing to take part in our documentary. 

In advance we prepared a series of questions to ask her, however this was made dificult since our presenter could not be here i=on that day. However we planned for this and had him record all the questions as part of the commentary. 

We met with the nutritionist at her home and re established exaclty what it was we were doing and explained the purpose of our documentary (as I mentioned earlier communication is very important). We then had a brief look at the rooms in her house to find which was best for filming in. We soon settled on a lounge area just overlooking the conservatory/patio, since it provided a wide space with plenty of lighting options (it was right by a window and aslo had a dimmer controlled light). 

We really had to fall back on what we had learned from our workshops and what I had picked up durign my research. Using a two camera set up but making sure that the subject was framed off centre and well lit. Making sure that the background wasn't too much of a distraction and ensuring we changed the angle from time to time to maintain audiences attention.

Overall this went very well and we got some great, genuin advice from a real expert that we can use to contrast with some of the more light hearted parts of our documentary. The only down side really is that the interview was very lenghty and our interveiwee often stumbled or messed up, meaning it could be dificult to transcribe/edit.

We used the afternoon to film some establishing scenic shots that could be used as cut aways. 

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