Friday 5 May 2017

Filming Journal: Day 5

Filming Journal: Day 5

The 5th day of shooting was primarilly organised by Cailan. We all met at his house and sat with our presenter. Going over all of the footage we had acheived so far then planning out/recording as much commentary as we thought we might possibly need. 

To avoid issues we recorded multiple takes of each comment and all worked on the same google document to make any changes necessary. We also recorded more than we thought we needed in case there were any gaps in our documentary. 

Meanwhile i researched facts, statistics and graphics that we could use in our documentary or my graphics. 

After that we then headed out to a local recration ground to re shoot some of the workout scene that we recorded on the first day. Since after looking at the footage and test edits we decided certai bits could be done more effectively and this time we ensured everyone had theor own camera to use. We also took the time to record several cut aways that could be applied to anything just to be safe. 

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