Thursday 16 March 2017

Contextual Studdies: Visual Effects

Contextual Studdies: Visual Effects

Virtualism in visual media. In contextual studdies this time we were looking at Game Of Thrones. However this session rather than looking at the representation of gender race etc. like we have been looking at recently. We instead moved away to look at virtualism and the creation/expantion of false imigary (however we perseive it as being real). 
Image result for game of thrones dragonsImage result for game of thrones 

Examples of virtalism in game of thrones would be things like Denieres dragons, and the size of the army's/giants etc. 
Digital imagry (CGI) camera tricks and enhancements are used to generate theese effects, and to a certain extent we are emmersed in this world and even though we know it's not real, we beleive it in the context of the show.
Related image

However certain things do throw us off. Most things are beleivable because we understand to an extent how it was done or why it is there (it has a rational explenation). However when we move in to the uncanny we can begin to feel uncomfertable. For example in the new Star Wars film (Rouge One) we see an actor on screen that has been dead in real life for some time. So wouldn't be able to be in the film. However we still see them in this film and we don't know how this is possible. Knowing that they are dead we are also taken out of the emmersion of the film and begin to question it.

Image result for star wars fight

In coclusion visual effects (CGI) should be used only when neccessary to enhance or create things that couldn't naturally be shot in time, or at all. Also make sure it fits in seamlessly with the rest of the visuals and doesn't look out of plcae as thuis can ruin an audiences emmersion when it should be enhancing it. 

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