Friday 31 March 2017

Documentary: Update And Notes

Documentary: Update And Notes

This post will be providing an update on our documentary and it's content, as well as our notes from our recent session with Zoe.

To summarise: Our documentary will be a light hearted take on actuality, setting up a situation (our initial idea is that our guinea pig has a date at the end of the week) and wants to loose weight (or rather appear slimmer) by the end of the week. 

The documentry will moslty be actuality footage with the occasional break in to montages or shots from other media.
The tone of the documentary will be mostly light hearted with some breaks in which the narrator or interviewee delivers some hard facts and reveals truths/dismisses some of the fad slimming techniques that the media present to people.

Bellow is some of the feedback and ideas we generated from our recent meeting with Zoe.
We Need A reason for making the presenter want to lose weight is key to make the story make sense and flow along. (We are currently toying with the ideas of a date, or a photo shoot).

Interview people on the streets and asking people what the craziest diet they've ever tried is.

Voxpops in a gym, talking to people who are worried about weight also people that have lost a lot of weight

Actor going up to various people and asking them what brought them to the gym/bootcamp and how they've lost weight.

- Have they done it slowly or done a fad diet to lose weight quickly?

Statistics cutting in between challenges to make them make sense

Is it dangerous to lose so much weight at a young age?

 Make sure the presenter/guinea pig is relatable and has an outgoing amusing personality.

Tuesday 28 March 2017

Documentary: Casting

Documentary: Casting

For our documentary, we decided that the best way to find a presenter and guinae pig would be touse an actor, but to have them put in to real life situations, to ensure we keep actuality. 

We also neeeded to find certain people such as a nutritionist and local boot camp officials that we could interview and get hard facts from.

While casting was primarilly Alex's responsibility (although he regulaly checked in with us to update us on aplicants and we all had to approve the shortlist as a group), location and expert finding was primerilly my responsibility. 

Bellow is a screenshot of the message i sent to every local nutritionist i could track down. I mainly stuck to 1 or 2 website since they were government recognised sources and were the best way to search for and contact qualified officials. 

I've also been in contact with a series of local "fat camps" in the hope that they will grant us access to some of their experts and members. Bellow is a screenshot of some of the camps I contacted.


We also set up a short Q&A for aplicants to answer to ensure we get an outgoing relatable person that is willing to take part in the series of chalanges we have set out in our project.

Bellow is the answers we received from one of the actors we short listed.