Thursday 10 November 2016

Contextual Studdies: Comedy

Types Of Comedy:

Situation Comedy: 

Studio sit coms - Traditionally filmed in a studio or set of some kind, uses multiple cameras, edit live to some extent, ocasionally uses live studio audiences, or at the very least a laugh track, uses high key iniform lighting.

Location Sit Coms- often uses a single camera, edited in post, doesnt use a laugh track, or a live audience,uses real life locations, and just works around them for a set, the style can come accross as a mocumentry at times.

Sitcom Gnere - narrative conventions 

  • The comic trap
  • The running joke
  • The one liner/sight gag
  • Inuendo and double entendre
  • Irony and sarcasm
  • Farce and slapstick
  • Parody and satire
Mise en scene is used very carefully, props and set design is used to reflect characters personality, and help audiences fill in gaps.

Sitcoms heavilly rely on classic archetypes and stereotypes to make effective characters. 

Example of character archetypes/stereotypesnin The Vodka Diaries:
  • Nic- "The Rebel" (uses aggressive humoursarcasm and physical comedy)
  • Alex- "The Libertine" (can be playful or hypersexual. Typically uses inuendo and double entendra)
  • Holly- "The Authority Figure" (Their thwarted attempts to control are a staple of sitcoms. Will often use comic put downs).
  • Periel- "The Dork/Fool" ((often seen as the least self aware but usually says the smartest things. Uses visual humour "sight gags" and one-liners).

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