Tuesday 26 March 2019

Major Project: Notes From Beth (26th Mar 2019)

Notes From Beth (26th Mar 2019)

Today we had a tutorial with Beth Turell. She was able to watch our latest cut and evaluate it from an informed outsiders perspective. She had a lit of interesting feedback, (which I have detailed below) that we can reflect on.

Bobby interview - what’s the point of what he’s saying? His answers often feel like they miss the point, and he doesn't effectively address the key questions raised. How does it relate to Alex’s journey? 

The Jamie interview is strong, relates well to the story, and sets up where Alex needs to go from here. 

Formula Ford Sequence worked really well, it seemed professionally filmed and edited and wouldn’t look amiss on TV.

Great sense of jeopardy for Alex at each section, we constantly ask "is he going to get there, is he going to do it"? 

Its a shame that Wil spoke over Alex at the end of the race licence, but we did a good job accounting for it in the drive home

Even in this rough state it's still feeling too lognand could be cut down.

Pacing was pretty good, still at a point where we should cut out anything that we don’t necessarily need.

Jamie interview - Alex’s cutaways don’t really work despite Simon’s feedback, looks like he’s directing which is accurate, but doesn’t really suit the tone of the interview.

Less is often more, don’t feel like you need to include every contributor.

Sound design is going to be really key- music is great in a lot of places, highly entertaining.

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