Friday 21 September 2018

Dissertation: Introduction

Dissertation: Introduction

Today we met our new lecturer Clarissa Jacobs, who outlined the structure of our dissertations for us again. As well as introducing us to some of the topics she would be specialising in that could help us with our writing. 

Similer to our proposal, our dissertation will be split in to three main parts/chapters.

Chapter One: Definition s of terms used in questions 
basic theory 
background information and/or historical ideas or contexts

Chapter Two: Utalises and builds on information from chapter one
application of theories, current discussions/context any information and ideas that need to be discussed before the question can be fully answered or the aim fully achieved in the final chapter.

Chapter 3: Where the question is fully answered or aim fully realised.

You dissertation will ilso include and introduction and a conclusion

Conclusion: Ends on very last, final response on try discussion 
Reiterate the aim of your dissertation reminding the reader of your key question and points.
Also includes any other points that you would make/explore if you had the room to. 

The 8000 Words of the Dissertation should be broken up as close to the following way as possible.

1. An introduction (10% of the word count = 800 words)

2. the main body made upon 3 chapters (80% of your word count)
   a. Chapter 1: 2150 words
   b. Chapter 2: 2150 words
   c. Chapter 3: 2150 words

Each chapter will have 12 paragraphs of approx 180 words, each paragraph acts as a "progressive point" that needs to be researched and: 
     A. Listed in a logical order; 
     B. Show that you have identified the information/evidence you.  
        will be analysing foreach step of your discussion (with the       
        source referenced). 
     C. Show that you have started to write your paragraphs in the. 
        order in which you have planned. Ensuring that the end of 
        one paragraph leads on to the point you make at the start of 
        the next.
3. A Conclusion (10% of the word count = 800 words).

To prepare for 1st tutorial, work on your plan for:
  • Your topic, its intellectual context and how your question approaches it?
  • Create and review your. list of research material.
  • The key authors and a sentence of the way you wish to use their ideas.
  • The moving image sequences you wish to relate to your research
  • Your method(s) of analysis
  • the structure and organisation of your discussion
  • an initial plan for chapter 1
To prepare for 2nd tutorial (a period of 3 weeks)
  • Week 1 - read your research material
  • Week 2 - read your research material and write up a draft chapter 1
  • Week 3 - finish chapter 1 and start to plan for chapter 2

To prepare for the Draft Hand-In (27th of November)
  • Make amendments to the draftChapter 2/research chapter 3.
  • Research and write a draft for chapter 3 (2150 words) and sketch a conclusion if you wish.
Your title page should contain:
  • The title of your dissertation
  • Your name
  • Course
  • Date of submission
  • Your first language
  • Word Count
  • A removable note if you are dyslexic.
Your contents page should identify the page location and name of your, introduction, chapters, conclusion, list of illustrations, bibliography and appendices (if any).

Appendices can be used to include any additional documentation and information in support of the ideas and arguments presented in your dissertation. This may take the form of interview transcripts, survey statistics and other pertinent information and statistics. 

Tuesday 18 September 2018

Pre-Production: Initial Thoughts

Pre-Production: Initial Thoughts

After being re-introduced to the pre-production unit I carefully considered which option I wanted to do and what my plan would be for this unit.

After careful consideration I decided to choose the Hypothetical Pre-production option. This would allow me to express my creativity and explore my interests while not facing limitations such as budget, access, time etc.

Although I will be focussing on the Hypothetical pre-production, since I am taking on the rolls of producer and editor in my major project group, I will be a consultant and be making role appropriate input towards Alex Baldwin's major project pre-production as it will form the base of the plan for our group major project later in the year.

My idea for this unit is to plan a documentary series focussing on different performing arts schools.

I chose to do this for several reasons.

Firstly I am passionate about the performing arts and have been involved in the industry for a number of years, and since it is something I am passionate about I think I can find some great hypothetical stories and contributors.

Secondly I remember growing up watching shows like "school for stars" that followed kids on they're school journey and explored their journey through acting exams and shows. However this show ended back in 2011 and since then the only thing close to it on the market are American reality shows. While "school for stars" was aimed at a very young audience and tended to be quite generalised, the American shows like "Dance Moms" were very character driven, but also hyper inflated to create drama and entertainment.

As such I believe there is a gap in the market here. I would like to create a show that follows different performing arts schools, aimed at slightly more mature audience and it would be a "character driven" documentary that follows particular people through their first major show or exam.

I think it would provide a useful insight in to how exams other than GCSE's and A-levles are structured and the different emotional journeys people go through to chase their passions. The series would also focus on the personal development of its subjects e.g. the level of nerve they have to overcome in order to appear in their first show.

From here I need to plan my concept in more detail; planning out details such as platform, broadcaster, audience demographic etc.

The Year Ahead: Pre-Production, Dissertation And Major Project

The Year Ahead: Pre-production, Dissertation And Major Project

Today was our introduction to our 3rd Year structure and projects.

The first unit we will be tackling this year is Pre-production.

Before we begin this unit there are important things to remember and consider.

  • The research will be the key to success, everything you produce should be based on lengthy and detailed analysis.
  • Tutorials should be made the most of and you should discuss everything on your mind, and think about what you really want.
  • Peer support will be a huge help and you should make the most of the advice from others.
  • This year will be very self-motivated and independent so organising yourself is immensely important. 
  • Think about what you want to gain from this year (not just a degree, but personal goals as well).
As with your pre-production unit research will be the key to success

You should make the most of tutorials, and drafts, coming prepared with example work and questions to ask.

Later in the year, you will move on to your major project where you will specialise in your chosen area (although there may be some overlapping) and chosen genre.

Pre-production is the first unit this year and it is entirely up to you what shape it takes. 
  • The Pre-production unit will have two distinct choices for you to explore. 
  • It can be individual or small group based.
  • It will be largely self-directed but with tutorial support throughout.
The first option for the Pre-Production unit is the "Professional Pre-Production" choice.
  • This would be a large scale production aimed at competing with what's currently on the market.
  • It would be made up of a "package" that communicates your idea to a broadcast commissioner (but you will not actually be making the production). 
  • It is hypothetical in basis so is not limited by budget, access, time, etc.
  • It can be any genre and format you wish but should be based on your personal interests for best results.
The second choice is "Major Project Film Pre-Production"
  • It will consist of detailed pre-production paperwork.
  • It can be any genre and format you wish but should be achievable within the time frame and budget that you have.
  • It should be a maximum of 20 minutes in length. 
  • It should contain everything you need to turn this project in to a full short film later in the year. 
As part of this unit, you may also consider writing/planning a draft screenplay for a TV series that you would then fully write up later in the year. 

The minimum requirements to be included in a  hypothetical "Professional Pre-Production" choice should be:
  • The idea
  • The synopsis and pitch
  • The platform (including research into genre and format)
  • The audience (including research into target audience)
Everything else is choice based, it is up to you what you decide to include e.g. cast, locations, production company, budget etc.

All research for this project should be clear in your presentation and also be mirrored in your blog.