Sunday 30 April 2017

Documentary Making Notes

Documentary Making Notes

Through my resaerch I picked up several tips and influemces when it came to constructing documentary's, bellow is a summary of some of what I've learned. 

Ensure your message and narative is clear. Engage your audince and inform them of everything as if they know nothing. Give them context and provide a message without being too opinionated.

Write comentary as you go since it may need editing depending on what you shoot.

Be preparedmto get "pick up shots".

Framing is very important, when addressing an audience ensure the presenter faces teh camera, but dont be afraid to hange up the angle ocasioanlly. In a sit down interveiw have the character sit slightly off centre.

Avoid copyright and dont be afraid to ask, copyrighted music is a huge problem and should be eliminated where posssible. Also the worst someone can say is "No" so always approach potential contributors with confidance.

Put togther test edits to see how things will look and establish early what works and what doesn't.  

Be prepared to work around people and locations.

Obtain as much feedback as possible.

Always have plenty of "B-Roll" and things you can cut to incase your interveiwee mentions specific things, or talks for too long.

  •  References 


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