Sunday 30 April 2017

Documentary Making Notes

Documentary Making Notes

Through my resaerch I picked up several tips and influemces when it came to constructing documentary's, bellow is a summary of some of what I've learned. 

Ensure your message and narative is clear. Engage your audince and inform them of everything as if they know nothing. Give them context and provide a message without being too opinionated.

Write comentary as you go since it may need editing depending on what you shoot.

Be preparedmto get "pick up shots".

Framing is very important, when addressing an audience ensure the presenter faces teh camera, but dont be afraid to hange up the angle ocasioanlly. In a sit down interveiw have the character sit slightly off centre.

Avoid copyright and dont be afraid to ask, copyrighted music is a huge problem and should be eliminated where posssible. Also the worst someone can say is "No" so always approach potential contributors with confidance.

Put togther test edits to see how things will look and establish early what works and what doesn't.  

Be prepared to work around people and locations.

Obtain as much feedback as possible.

Always have plenty of "B-Roll" and things you can cut to incase your interveiwee mentions specific things, or talks for too long.

  •  References 


Wednesday 26 April 2017

Filming Journal: Day 2

Filming Journal: Day 2

 The second day of filming was another day i had organised. However we encountered issues even before we started shooting. I had been in contact with House Of Fraser a number of days before the shhot date to get approval to film a segmant with someone from theor personal shopper team. At the time they had given full approval. However they then rang up the morning of the shoot day to say that they were withdrawing their concent since they didnt feel comfertable being filmed. This was increadibly frustrating, however it wasn't a mojour setback since I did a lot of research before hand. Thankfully I noted down that John Lewis also had staff who were expert personal stylists/shoppers. I made sure to ask permission from the manager on duty and clear it all with reception; and fortunatly they gave us approval to film.

We were able to get a full consultation with Ryan from John Lewis. He was able to give very useful style tips and tricks that can make you look skinnier. He gave great advice and we were able to get a full interveiw from several diiferent angles. As well as shots of some of the things he pointed out to us. However due to the delay with House Of Fraser we were a little rushed at the end and didnt get as many shots of our presenter trying on some of what Ryan recomended.

Tuesday 25 April 2017

Fiming Journal-Day 1

Filming Journal

This blog post will be the first entryin a joural I'm putting together detailing how each day of shooting went. 

The first day was set primerilly at Pole Fitness, which Alex entitially emailed, but then I took over communications and rang them a few days before to organise the shooting and negotiate what content they could provide for us. On the shoot day I texted them to make sure everything was to go ahead as planned.

Before we arived at Pole Fitness we first met our presenter at the station. Although we had previously had conversations over skype we re-introduced ourselves and established exactly what we would be doing. 

After we had filled in our presenter we then went straight over to pole fitness to meet with Brook (lead instructor) and Chloe (fitness student), and re - established what we were going to be filming since communication is very important. 

They were happy to provide interveiws about the sport and fitness in general, disscussing how viable it is for weight loss and body confidence. I initially thought we should interveiw them together however I found that Brook had a dominating personality so it was easier to interview them seperatly to get the most from our time. 

We got some grate shots for cut aways with Brook teaching our presenter the basics of the sport and going through a trial session. This will make for an amusing break from other parts of our documentary that are more grounded. 

A few dificulties we encountered were firstly that the lighting in the studio was very minimal. Meaning we had to open up the IRIS on the cameras as much as possible, which made it dificult when transitioning from establishing shots to interior. There was also copyrighted music playing durign some parts of our filming, which we did realise and asked them to pause it. However it still cut in to some of our interveiws which could casue issues later down the line. The mirrors in the studio also limited the angles we could film from.

After lunch we headed to a park in madestone to film a running/exersise segment that could be used for cut aways in our documentary. Especially when interviewees mention fitness. This all went pretty smoothly, although we did have to deal with the changing amounts of natural light. 

Monday 24 April 2017

Documentary Locations

Here are the locations we have 





 We may add more or change them depending if the shoot goes well. We have backups just incase.

Tuesday 18 April 2017

Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment

Bellow are the screenshots of our completed risk assessment.

Pre Production-What I've Contributed

Pre Production: What I've Contributed

Before we begin shooting there are a number of things aside from casting that we had to prepare. Including locations, interveiwees, scheduling, B-Roll requirements and various other services. I had a big role to play in regards to the filming preperations. 

Locations: For our documentary we broke down each section in to different days and times, then listed the exact locations we needed to be in for each one. The document bellow shows the details of this, but for the purposes of this blog I will break it down further to show which locations I was in charge of organising.
Day 1- (Pole Fitness) 
For the first day of filming (upon our lecturer's recomendation) we decided we needed a humourus and outstanding segmant to help make a bold documentary that would appeal to a BBC3 audience. Our lecturer suggested we look in to pole fitness and recomended a place in Strood.
It was my job to go on to their website to find out their contact information. We initially began contact via email, but quicly aranged a phone conversation. This was where I explained that we were making a documentary and gave them a full breifing on its content and purpose. Then after some negotiation we were able to organise a session and the owner agreed to be in the documentary and get one of his students to help out and be interveiwed. I agreed to provide a personal cut for the owner to use on the studio's website in exchange for the session and interveiw. 

Day 1 (exersise montage part 1)  

For the second part of the first day we thought it best to use the time to film an exersise montage. For this we wanted to use somewhere close to the studios (since that was our main base of opperation) and although I wasn't in charge of this section I did help to scout out the location with Alex to make sure it suited our needs and plan where we could film. We looked around on google maps for a suitible park like area and came accross a dog walking area close to the studios that we decided to use.

Day 2 (Personal Shopper)
For our second day of filming we needed to look at "style hacks" so that we can confront the idea of slimming hacks when it comes to clothing. I decided we should try and find somewhere that offers a personal tayloured personal shopper service. After a small amount of research and some phone calls I found out that both house of Fraser and John Lewis offer such a service. I looked around for the closest branch of both shops and as I suspected it was at "Bluewater" shopping centre. After a phone call to the manager of the personal shopper department of House of Fraser I found out they had a young employee that wouldn't mind being interveiwed for our documentary, and sicne she matched with our intended audience age group I decided to book an apointment with her via the website, and thus the second day was planned, and we also had John Lewis on standby. 

----Note we ensured we had permission to film, although you need a special permit to film in trhe mall area, shops are seperate and you are allowed to film provided you have their concent, which we have.

Day 3 (Photoshoot)
For the third day we planned to speak to a photography student to get their advice/opinion on weather or not their are any tricks when it comes to posing in photos or lighting, angle, colours, background etc. that can make you look slimmer. We also wanted to get an interveiw witht hem in regards to their thoughts on body image in photos which could be a useful message for our young audience. 

This was another section that I was in charge of aranging. My initial idea was to utalise the resources close to hand, so i emailed the corse leader of teh photography department that we have at the main UCA rochester campus. I asked for a student to help with our documentary on body image and requested their skilled help. The lecturer passed my request on to the students but unfortunatly no one got back to me. However I wasn't going to give up that easilly. So i looked around for the next best thing and remembered that there was a collage (Mid-Kent Collage) close to me that offered a photogrphy course. This was particulalrly useful since I had a few connections at the collage and spoke to someone I knew on the photography course who gladly agreed to be a part of our documentary. 

Since i originally planned to have someone from the photography course at UCA I had set our location on the green by the campus, since it had great lighting and background options. Our group decided it would be much simpler to keep this location since we had already scouted it.

Day 4 (B-Roll)
This day was dedicated to obtaining B-Roll footage and demopnstrating how newspapers presnent a flase ideoligy when it comes to body image. Although I was not in charge of organising this, I did slelct and provide all the newspapers that i thought would be best. 

Day 5 (Commentary Recording)
This day was dedicated to tying up loose ends and recording all the commentary that we would need to sync up for the final cut. Although I was not in charge of this section I did write 1/3 of the script we used which I'll insert a link to bellow. 

Day 5 (Exersise Montage Part 2)
The second part of day 5 was set aside for obtaining more footage for our exersise montage. Although I was not in charge of this section I helped to scout out the location and I obtained the facts we based this section on.
("Media sources say that a 10 minuet high intensity work out, can burn more calouries than a full gym session").

Day 6 (Nutritionist Interview)
For our final day of filming we set aside the entire period for interveiwing a reputable nutritionist, who could help contrast the humour of our documentary and provide some hard hitting facts and advice that would benefit our audience. 

I was joint in charge of organising this section. I used the following website to track down qualified and trustworthy nutritionists that coukld help with our documentray. 

Myself and Alex emailed dozens of nutritionists accross the south of england to find one that was available, accessable and willing to take part in our documentary. I emailed almsot everyone i found on the website, and after several wild goose chases, re - schedualing and phone calls; we eventually found one in saltdean who was willing to help. I helped write a series of questions to ask her which ALex then edited and sent over. 

I also helped scout out potential B-Roll locations around the area.

That just about sums up most of the pre-production work I did before filming. It is worth noting that I helped put together both the script and the schedual which are linked above and plan to help create an edit schedual transcript etc.

Wednesday 5 April 2017

Documentary: Casting

Documentary: Casting

As a key part of our planned documentary we required a presenter/guinea pig, we decided the best way to find someone appropriate for the role would be to use a casting website. We shortlisted 3 candidates and had a Skype interview with each.

Bellow is a video recording of each interview in which we were able to ask further questions and narrow down the candidates further. 

Andrew: This interview was very successful and we were able to find out that Andrew had the most relevant skills and experience. He seemed keen to work on the project and fully understood the idea.

Dom: This interview went equally well, Dom seemed to fully understand the premise of our project and seemed keen to work with us. He also had some previous experience.
Jon: This interview was very unprofessional, Jon didn't seem to have any idea what our project was about nor did he have any previouse experience.