Tuesday 17 January 2017

Directing Masterclass: With Steve Finn

 The role of a director is a big one, they have certain responsabilities and a large amount of creative controll. The following will brake down the directors role in to diferent areas.

Pre Prep: 

Understand the script.and have a creative vision of the script.
Try to solve any problems at this stage in liaison with the producer and script editor. 
Prepare ideas in advance of rehearsing with the cast - motivations, characterisations, blocking and camera scripting.


Working with the cast to achieve a mutual vision of how the scene is to be played and staged.

After rehearsals:

Create floor plans, camera plans and shot lists in the light of rehearsals. 
At the start of the shoot: Inform the crew of the shooting plan.
Create a good working atmosphere

During the shoot:

Be in charge but allow all the cast and crew to have a creative input. 
Manage the time available (finishing too early is a sign you haven't used all your resources) If you dont manage time effectively you will have no excuses if the end result is poor. 
Finishing too late i a sign of not being properly prepared or not being flexible when problems occu.

After the shoot: 

Brief your editor of your overall vision. 
Ensure that the best material is used wherever possible - try to step back from the scene and take an objective view of your work.

At all times:

Take a responsible attitude to the safety of those around you.

Other Directiing Tips:

As a direcor you should be aware of all the shots you want to use in a sequence, to get as much coverage as possibble. However you should also try to construct a master shot for a scene (shooting it from one angle/shot from start to finnish). 

Blocking a scene- Refers to how a scene is put together in terms of  staging and character movement.
To be a great director you need to master this. Characters need to have power over each other and should be on diferent leveles and should move between them. Interactions within personal space are key and should be focused on. 

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